More pics of ballsy topless Lebanese girls burning #ISIS flags…

Posted in Uncategorized on 11/18/2015 by scart69

THE MOLOTOV – On Music, Revolution & Lollies

Posted in Uncategorized on 07/10/2014 by scart69

THE MOLOTOV – On Revolution.

The Banquet

Posted in Uncategorized on 04/13/2014 by scart69


The Banquet

Imagine, if you will, a huge banquet table, laid and laden with more food than you could ever eat in a hundred lifetimes. Food of all varieties, exotic fruits, standard pies and cakes and others that defy description, roasted and smoked meats both spiced and plain, salads , vegetables and many combinations . Even everyday fare such as pizzas and burgers sit next to curries, strange loaves, savoury and sweet dishes and cuisine from all countries. Delicious drinks, aromatic hot soups, puddings, custards and creams. Without doubt, a banquet to satisfy the wildest of tastes with enough diversity for anyone . . .

Now . . .

Imagine there are several hundred people in this room. The table holds MORE than enough for everyone, that much is plain. The table itself is groaning under the weight of all it contains and is piled nearly a meter (3 ft) high with food. There is no doubt, by even the quickest of glances, that this table could easily feed this room, probably several time over. Everyone would receive a wonderful meal from this table.

The problem is this:

There are ten people standing shoulder to shoulder around the table. It is impossible to tell if they are male or female anymore and it doesn’t seem to matter. They are shoulder to shoulder around the table like an impenetrable wall of flesh. There is no way past them, over them or under them.

and they are obese . . .

. . . truly obese . . .

Not overweight in the natural way that a person who needs to diet is overweight. Nor obese in the way that someone with an eating disorder born of trauma, pain or neglect is. This is not a natural obesity but one that straddles the wall between psychosis and the supernatural. Obese in the way that a creature that does nothing but gorge and guzzle can be, swallowing without chewing, ramming huge fists of food into their mouth, barely removing their hand in time for the other hand to pile drive another huge fist full of food into their waiting mouths while the first hand is scrabbling for liquid so as to wash the swill down their throats even quicker. Some of the food is falling to the ground, some strikes the table, some drops , hits their bare chests and sticks where it lands, adding to the already sticky mass of food that covers the fronts of all of them. They are immense, taller, wider, denser than any normal person and their clothing has split at the seams and fallen away long ago. They are no longer what they once were and any vestiges of humanity are now gone.

The next thing you would notice is that there are people clinging to them.

The people, though normal in size, are dwarfed in comparison to the creatures to which they are attached. They seem to be a tenth of the size in fact. Those closest to the ground are picking some of the fallen and rotting scraps off the floor, others are picking food off the chests and chins of these animals, while some, the boldest of all. seem to be picking choice tidbits from the pistoning hands as they move at dazzling speed, even snatching the ripest offerings straight from the mouths of these mammoths.

Their success is, for the most part, short lived.

A patient eye would notice that, while the occasional person may succeed, most do not. Even those that do, when repeating the tricks more than once or twice, are caught up in the process. Whether accidentally caught by the massive hands, daring too close to the open slobbering mouth or , in some cases, failing to notice that the pinprick pupils in the swollen eye slits of the behemoths have darted their way and noticed them, the result is the same.

They are rammed, with all the finesse of a pneumatic drill, into the open hole of the creatures mouth. The apologies screamed, the prayers babbled forth make no difference at all, nor do the justifications or excuses. Some are held for the briefest of instances, as if to give them full awareness of the moment, or maybe to hope for a reprieve. None comes.

And even as the person is rammed, bones breaking, soft tissue tearing and organs imploding from pressure into the jagged orifice, another quickly climbs, hissing and spitting, into the space recently made vacant by it’s predecessor. Before the spraying blood has even hit the table cloth, the new holder of the place is kicking at those closest, glaring at all around it and snatching hand fulls of food from the pistoning fists, believing it will succeed where it’s fellow failed.

and some do . . . . .

The truly patient eye will see, on a long enough time line, that some grow so adept, so cunning, so patient and daring that they manage to succeed and grow, eventually growing so large that they begin to weigh down and crush the original Host. At this point, it can be seen that while some of the people immediately begin to jump from the first mammoth to the second, adding to it’s weight and speeding the demise of the first, some pause to begin tearing at the flesh of the first, squealing and biting in glee at the creature that, not so long ago, they were stroking, petting and fondling. When it seems there is no hope left, most people leap to the successor. Some fail and disappear under the weight of the new monolith. We also see that the original person is no longer as they once were, but now so closely resemble the crushed predecessor that any difference is miniscule and irrelevant. They look no different because they are, now, no different.

And the feeding continues . . .

The eye will also notice that the people that are not part of this main spectacle, whenever venturing near the table, it’s occupants or the scraps, find themselves scratched, hissed at, spat upon and attacked by those that already have a perching point on the creatures that they cling to. Some will attempt to steal scraps and some even ask “why” it is this way. Though the Monoliths do not deign to answer nor pause in their feeding frenzy, they can be seen to smile when the inhabitants on their bodies hiss answers such as “you would take it all from us”, “you have not worked as we have”, “you do not deserve” and to bray outloud when the words “there‘s not enough” are occasionally spat out. This final taunt brings tears of mirth to the eyes of all who stand at the table and seems to be one of the few times that all are brought together, sharing the same joke, spraying food and saliva forth, while the humans upon them have learnt to remain straight faced and not attempt to share in the humor.

Even those people that believe it wrong will sometimes attempt to join the scuffle, as they see no other way to eat and survive. Some even truly believe that they will do what it takes to stop this scene and will, once they reach a point of becoming one of the animals, change this performance for the better or even stop it altogether.

None, upon reaching the point where this is possible, ever do. They do not remember the thoughts they once had, nor, if they did remember, could now imagine why they ever thought that way. This is the way it is, the way it has to be, the way it will always be. It can not possibly be otherwise.

Before we leave this scene, we may notice one last thing. A child, lying near the corner of the room watches this macabre display with dark eyes, her breaths coming slower and slower. If we were here earlier we may have seen her smaller story from the beginning. We might have watched her father and mother, trying to find enough crumbs and scraps to keep her alive, growing all the more desperate. We may have watched the mother, smiling at strangers, using kind words and soft touches to try and coax food from others, despite her husbands sorrow and shame. We may have seen her despair as her gaunt face and weakening voice became less capable of producing anything of worth. We might also have chanced to see them reassuring the small girl, feeding her the last few remaining crumbs, soothing her distress and assuring her they would return soon with more. Maybe seen their cautious path through the throng of people crowding near the table, watched them wait for a perfect moment, what seemed a safe moment, in which to try to grasp a small piece of food lying unused next to one the monsters. If we had watched this scene play out, then we may also have seen that at the moment that chance seemed to favour them, nature did not.

A person attached and clinging near the rear of the animal seemed to strike out as they grasped the food and at the same time as this, the animal moved slightly and the couple went down, disappearing from view. Those nearest all seemed to turn their heads as this happened, only looking back when they seemed assured of seeing nothing of consequence. It was as if it had never occurred, as if the mother and father were never there, had never even existed.

And as we leave, we may take a final glance, at the child that now lies alone in the corner, her breathing shallower, her eyes closing, her small hands no longer shaking, as tremors and tears are luxuries that require more than this little body is capable of now. We may see her eyes, almost fully closed now, slowly turning towards us, as if seeking something to hold on to . . .

. . we may see her chest rise, fitfully . . .

. . . and fall . . .

. . and rise . . . .

. . . . shudder . . . . . . .

. and fall . . . . .

and stay.

And then we may leave,
and carry on as we were . . . .

(An old unfinished work of mine that was originally an art idea that wasn’t realised.)

Fuck Howard & the FEAR he rode in on…

Posted in Uncategorized on 08/27/2012 by scart69

The reason many remember John Howard fondly is because he simply was NOT a “Leader”.

Leader’s on both sides of politics, & in the middle, throughout history, have usually pushed us to be better than we are, to aim past ignorance towards enlightenment & to say we can & will do better than we are & we will progress & move forward.

Howard did not.

Howard encouraged base ignorance, petty jealousy, uncertainty & hate. He was the school teacher that goads the class to bully the weakest because HE wants to be popular & because it distracts from HIS own FAILINGS. Where leaders in the past aimed beyond the horizon to lift us up, Howard aimed as low as possible & said “Your IGNORANCE is great, your racism is JUSTIFIED & your petty selfishness is just fine”.
We all know that the adult who doles out lollies, Coke & McDonalds day after day is always the most popular & when that adult couldn’t care less about the obesity, rotting teeth & diabetes that will occur later, then the disasterous result can always justify their means.

Howard, the little boy that neither his party nor country ever really wanted till there was no-one else left, looked down the barrel of an election he was about to lose in 2001 & knew that a country that was just beginning to overcome it’s uncertainty & lack of self-confidence at being only 200 years old & being the only “white guy” in the Asia Pacific, could easily be tipped back into hysteria & paranoia with a few well placed panic news stories accompanied by “we will decide who comes here” & “we don’t know they’re NOT terrorists” from a “wise old leader” whose job was to protect them.

It took many years for the “Howard Battlers” to realise that their Hero was the very reason they had to battle so hard, that the “prosperity” he delievered came from the hard work done to balance society many years before & that the unbalancing was happening BECAUSE of him but by then the disease had set in.

Now his squalling, squirming brat Abbott, who was suckled at the bitter tit of ignorance & racist populism & who learnt that screaming “White Makes Right” long enough & loud enough can drown out any common sense or morality, is about to re-harnass all that uncertainty, that pettiness & selfish stupidity & ride all the way to victory on the backs of the poor & many of them will cheer him all the way.

Howard started the disease & Abbott’s here to make sure the cancer keeps spreading.

Fuck em both & the fear they rode in on…

Fb account suspended for bagging right wingers ;)

Posted in Uncategorized on 07/12/2012 by scart69

Fb account suspended for bagging right wingers ;). Shock/Horror, huh?


Posted in Uncategorized on 06/13/2012 by scart69

The real monsters don’t have claws, fur or sharp teeth, they have manicures, wear suits & grin sachrine smiles while they gut our world & tear our lives out from under us.

Here’s an idea for a religion…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on 05/01/2012 by scart69

Imagine a single cell, floating in an ocean. It dreams of becoming a God. It then doubles, again & again. It grows & crawls out of the ocean onto land & continues to push towards GodHood. It stands up, learns to hold the world, change the world & even control the world. It adapts to anything & everything. It becomes smarter, more capable, aware & sentient. It sometimes stumbles, breaks things & sometimes hurts it’s self & others around it but it slowly learns from all of this.
It is not a God but it slowly moves it’s self towards it’s idea of what a God should be. It’s possibilities are only limited by it’s imagination & the further it goes, the more it can imagine which makes it’s potential unlimited.

Why not worship that?
Ah well, it’s only a story…..

Flag-Humpers are worse than f*ckin Bible Bashers in Oz sometimes

Posted in Poly-ticks, social, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on 04/01/2012 by scart69

Flag-Humpers are worse than f*ckin Bible Bashers in Oz sometimes. At least bible-bashers don’t demand ppl get out for not believing the same thing as them.

Prey To The Monkey (Fallen)

Posted in kulcha, Poetry with tags , , , , , , on 03/24/2012 by scart69

Today I met a monkey

beneath a virgin sky

with mischief in it’s countenance

ambition in it’s eyes

It smiled and rose to greet me

as best a monkey can

and said to me I think

and therefore think I am


It bid me sit and talk awhile 

there underneath the trees

and offered me a drink it made 

of liquid and leaves

we sat across the fires haze

gazing through the smoke

drank our stone cups dry

and then the monkey spoke


It said “I aim to lose my fur

to be a naked ape

to shed this skin of simian 

and shun all that’s primate

I now intend to walk erect

no shambling gait or crawl

and speak with perfect eloquence

not mindless caterwauls”


‘Where once I swung through trees’ it said,

‘I now walk on the ground

and turn this tongue to voice, I strum

these chords of speech to sound

In this way I communicate

with others of my kind,

Express not only instinct but

all turnings of the mind


For I have dreams would drive

all other species mad in

such complex architect and number

none before have had

such visions, of myself, but risen

far beyond these trees

in geometric wonders in the skies

and on the seas


of shapes and colours lived within

defying air and space

a thousand creeds and breeds of mine

a rainbow of a race

But none of this would come to pass

If not for one small point

A matter of both bone and blood

of sinew, and of joint ‘


The monkey held it’s arms apart

and smiled as paws uncurled

“I have opposing thumbs you see

with which to hold the world’

Now I believe this raises me

above all bird and beast,

if evolution be an art,

I be it’s masterpiece, where


form and function, sentience

organically converge to

create a total greater than

the sum of those that merged

what brighter flame has ever burned

in evolutions fire

a prodigal primate savant,

mammalian messiah.


What other creature has, as I, 

the words to pass the wise

the sharper teeth of logic

or imaginations eyes

If not for me the world would turn on

blindly unaware

each animal unconscious of itself

and none would care


no Sentience would ponder on the

nature of lifes bluffs

or understand that simply to

exist is not enough.

For life’s a riddle, wrapped in puzzles,

buried deep in lies,

and I believe, beyond this skin,

a greater answer lies.


For surely it can not be true

that all this is by chance

That nature one day spun a web

and chaos came to dance

And in their footsteps left behind

an accidental seed,

that thin air grew to suns and stars

and finally flowered me.


That all this is coincidence

it beggars disbelief

so I have pondered long on this

and here is my belief’


Here the monkey paused and turned

it’s eyes towards the flames

and through the smoke I saw as it had spoke

that it was changed

and in the spaces time and place

had touched their brush upon

lay smoother skin where fur had thinned

and now was all but gone


Both gaze and brow were softer now

than were when first I sat

and vestiges of bestial were

slowly peeling back

and as it’s eyes returned to me

the gaze of man was plain

and glancing sadly at our cups

it then began again


it said ‘I understand that you

are not the same as I

for I am only flesh and bone

and thou art made of sky

Where I am born in blood and pain

and count my years in scores

you span the vast celestial

in ageless, faceless forms


for you are nature, lord, creator

God of many names

both Father to the firmaments

and Mother of domains

The Architect of all I see

from mote to black hole suns

I genuflect in prayer to thee

for all that you have done.


But though I know my debt to you

and owe you all I am

I cannot kneel forever lord

and so I now must stand

and as when any flower grows

by need there must be thorns

so I have taken, as they say,

the devil by the horns


to grant myself assurity

to not fall whim to tides

of fate and forces making but

that I alone decide

and though I wish it otherwise

it seems forever true

as night will follow day, so must

the old make way for new

So if you think me harsh or cruel

then keep this thought in mind

that life was not my game, my God

and these rules were not mine’


The monkey then grew silent and

my eyes began to dim

I made to stand but fell as urge

abandoned every limb

and as I lay with face to sky

the creature rose to stand

and kneeling gently by my side

it took my head in hands


and while I lay upon it’s lap

the darkness grew complete

a raindrop seemed to fall that tasted

both of salt and heat

and when it’s words words came back again

it seemed from far away

in many tongues and voices

the monkey then did say


‘If I am just an animal

then dust is all I be

it matters not what I do here

for there is only me,

so you are my delusion born,

 as madness spirals down

and I am just a species that

will soon be dead in ground.


But if I am a higher form

with spirit that persists

long after bones have had their say

and flesh no more exists

then I am of the heavens too,

an angel in the skin,

and your flame now must cease to burn

if mine is to begin


for i am otherwise the moth

that tries to reach the sun

and never understands the journey

is a pointless one,

a path that only ever ends

in ash or dead desire

so if I am to shine then I

must set myself afire


and all my passions, rage and pain

desires, love and hate

are fuels to feed my hearts inferno

sparks to light my fate

but these alone are not enough

for dreams as vast as mine are now

and so all life, each living thing

is kindling to me now


from plant to planet, seed to universe

I would consume

each scale and fin, all bark and skin

from fur to feathers plume

and I would not reserve my own kind

from ambitions flame

through mindless wars and endless causes

even in your name,


would I inflict upon my own

the stuff of nightmares dreams

for my survival is the end

that justifies all means

and if I burn the world to smoke

through turns and paths I choose

it matters not for why else is it here

but for my use?


the building blocks of life and stars

are toys with which I play

creation is my business lord

when you are gone away

and when all mysteries are revealed

and none are hid from view

then I will be as god, now you are gone

I will be you


and only then will I be free

and live in fear no more

not cower in the dark of night

not wait for teeth and claws

nor for disease to steal my breath

and leave me cold as stone

or age, like sleep, to come with masks

and powder up these bones


No Beast or Bird

or fish nor fire

from the sky or ground

will bite at me, nor water

rising up or falling down

will cover me like dirt when I am

flesh made into flame,

when I am incandescent then

FOREVER is my name


then I will be beyond the stars

and brighter than the sun

seraph wrapped safe in my OWN Grace

a bright and shining one

when I am light, and gone is night

and Death has run away

Then I Will Live Forever, GOD,




With this said, a silence fell

and nothing else was heard

no more the sound of wind in leaves

or songs of beasts and birds

the smell of trees and forests gone

and oceans wiped away

as if all things relied upon

had lived their final day 


so I lay there in this void

and slowly lived my last

and silence like a shroud

now wrapped around and held me fast

and when as if an age had passed

I heard a single sound

a solitary wailing

like a soul had came unbound


And when the creature spoke this time

it’s voice held no more thrall

it had no reason, had no rhyme

and made no sense at all

It spoke in words beyond its’ tongue

of worlds beyond its sight

danced in and out of lunacy

like sense had taken flight


It cursed me, wept, then begged me stay

not leave it here alone

in blinding, bright and sterile light

this deader white than bone

But I am almost gone within

this darker twin of birth

and pulse to me, like colour to the

blind now has no worth


So as it raves a thousand tongues

and screams in maddening light

and I now wake oblivion

to cease this dream of life

it sobs and rocks me back and forth

and as I fade away

I sense it gather up its’ self

as if with more to say


The splintered shards of voices

for one last time coalesce

as both my breath  and tidal pulse

now ebb and come to rest

and as I die it whispers the last

words I ever hear


‘I finally see


the truth of me


now I


am all


I fear’





2003 ©opyleft by SCART (shane carter)

(Dedicated to my Mother, Viveene Carter)

When The F*CK Did Rock Music Stop being Dangerous?

Posted in kulcha, Noise, social with tags , , , , , on 03/18/2012 by scart69

Many years ago they banned a guy called Elvis Presley from being shown from the waist up on TV because they thought his lewd hip swinging threatened to “corrupt peoples morals.” Later on the Sex Pistols had a number one single but their spot on the chart was simply left blank because the powers that be decided their band and song name were offensive and a “threat to public morals”

The Dead Kennedys had all the christ cash (inc) of the entire PMRC (Parents Music Resource Centre, i.e. Moral Majority Christians) thrown at them for using world renowned artist H.R. Gigers “Penis Landscape” on their “FrankenChrist” album cover, but the reality was the conservative Christian lobby had been itching for years to get at the DK’s for their hard hitting political statements and “anti-establishment” advocating.

“Rage Against the Machine”…. well, unless you’ve been in a coma for 20 years then it goes without saying. Same for a few like Anti-Flag & Rise Against. One reason given for RATM’s success is that they were one of the few bands actually saying something real about the world and the problems in it, as opposed to “love songs”, party tunes and empty meandering’s . And is it coincidence that not long after these kind of bands start coming up, the safe little genre of “Emo” arrived? A highly saleable consumer combo of punk & gothic where the inane songs focus on “ME ME ME” and the only form of aggression (cutting yourself) is turned inwards and creates no social threat whatsoever? Whoa, the implication that “EMO” was a safe lil’ industry created genre, now there’s a conspiracy theory worthy of the “911 was an inside job” crowd! Cheer up Emo Kid ;).

My question is, when in the last 10 -20 years did anything truly dangerous make it’s way into the mainstream? When did you last hear a song on radio or TV and think “HOLY SHIT, that’s edgy!” or get the feeling that you just witnessed something that could truly shake shit up?

Is it the commercialisation of everything that leads to this “bland, homogenous, “plastic rebellion” I mean, what the FUCK is “Golf Punk”? How dangerous can punk bands be if they need to sell their cover art as iPod covers to pay the bills? And, is it the band’s fault for doing it or the fault of the fans for buying it? In an age where protesters request permission to make a stand and then have to “march between the lines” and the media owners create pop star icons to suit their advertising needs, is punk now nothing more to most people than a genre to check out on iTunes or MySpace, a short little angst stop on the road to becoming a good little normaloid citizen in suburbicide? Does it even matter if it’a all just for poops & giggles?

Even in the mainstream of music, club owners are more likely to hire cover or “concept bands” that play old hits instead of paying original bands to play. Is that the punters fault for wanting a “safe night out” listening to things they already know and if so when did we become more interested in safety than adventure and exploring new boundaries, being the first to discover some killer new band on MySpace and draging ya mates along to see em, whether they wanna go or not?

Anyway, I’m just throwing up some “food for thought” but next time we’re buying our punk rock patches from BIG W or KMART, downloading our Gallows tunes through iTunes (or DL’ing them for FREE & forcing the band to sell those old iPod covers ;), making Doc Martens PTY LTD INC richer or purchasing our “rebellious slogan” t-shirts that were prob made by some multinational company in a third world sweat shop, maybe we should keep the old anarchist slogan in mind: “If voting could really change the system, it would be illegal”
and ask ourselves:

“If any of this we’re TRULY dangerous or a threat in any way, do you really think they’d let us buy, wear, watch, hear or download it?”

And if the answer is “yeah, if there’s a buck in it for them” then I got a feeling that’s because they know they’ve got us all to a point of wanting our toys & noises, our bread & circuses too much to ever really upset the apple cart…

I got a feeling the thing they made safe wasn’t the material, the music, the art, the films or the ideas….

I got a feeling that the thing they made safe and non threatening, was us.


p.s. This appeared in QPunx a while back